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Docker search finds image, but can't pull

I need to build a 32-bit Ubuntu Image, so I do

  ~  docker search 32bit/ubuntu  
NAME                                       DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
32bit/ubuntu                               Ubuntu for i386 (32bit)                         9                    
32bit/ubuntu-upstart                       ubuntu-upstart for i386 (32bit)                 1                    
pgeraghty/casperjs_slimerjs_ubuntu_32bit                                                   0                    [OK]
pgeraghty/slimerjs_ubuntu_32bit                                                            0                    [OK]
cato1971/ubuntu                            Base 32-bit Ubuntu image from cato1971/ubu...   0                    [OK]
osrf/ubuntu_32bit                          Ubuntu 32bit images                             0                    
cato1971/ubuntu-32bit                      Base Ubuntu 32 bit image                        0                    
souzaonofre/ubuntu-32bits                  Ubuntu 32bits images                            0                    
  ~  docker pull 32bit/ubuntu 
Pulling repository 32bit/ubuntu
FATA[0001] Tag latest not found in repository 32bit/ubuntu 

So what's wrong here?

like image 928
daydreamer Avatar asked Jan 09 '23 18:01


1 Answers

32bit/ubuntu is not an image, but a repository containing one or more images, each identified by a tag. When you don't specify a tag, Docker defaults to the tag latest, but 32bit/ubuntu:latest doesn't exist. As we can see on the repository's page on the Docker Hub Registry, the only tag available is 14.04, so you need to pull (and run) 32bit/ubuntu:14.04.

like image 100
jwodder Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 08:01
