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docker ps Invalid bind address format:

When I execute the command I get:

$ docker ps
Invalid bind address format: "tcp://"

$docker-machine rm -f default
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
$ (docker-machine env default)

And now I can't list my docker images and containers. What I can do to fix it?

like image 691
Benjamin RD Avatar asked Oct 02 '17 14:10

Benjamin RD

People also ask

What is Docker_host?

DOCKER_HOST. Sets the URL of the Docker daemon. Defaults to: unix:///var/run/docker.sock (same as with the Docker client).

How do I know if my Docker port is exposed?

Exposed ports are visible when you list your containers with docker ps . They'll show up in the PORTS column, even though they won't actually be accessible outside the container. This gives you a simple way of checking which ports the software inside a container is listening on.

How do I look inside a Docker container?

In the latest versions of Docker, something like this is possible: docker exec <container> bash . So, you just open a shell inside the container. Similarly, you can do: docker exec <container> ls <dir path> and docker exec <container> cat <file path> . For bash however, add the -it options.

How would you describe a Docker container?

A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.

1 Answers

Are the quotes part of your $DOCKER_HOST value ? If yes, that may be a problem and you could try to export DOCKER_HOST without quotes and check if it works. Posted by – Christian W Oct 2 '17 at 14:56

This was the problem in my case:

export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://192.xx.xx.xx:2376"

Supposed to be:

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://192.xx.xx.xx:2376

like image 157
sant parkash singh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

sant parkash singh