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Docker - max depth exceeded

So I am using this example:


In order to create a SQL Server image and load it with data. I have several sql scripts which I run when I run the container.

However, I started getting this error when building the image:

Step 7/9 : ENTRYPOINT ./entrypoint.sh  ---> Running in c8c654f6a630 max depth exceeded 

I'm not sure how to fix this, I restarted docker and even updated it. I read something about 125 layers? Can anyone explain the cause of this and a potential fix?

I found this command to run:

docker history microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest | wc -l  312 

My docker-compose yml:

version: "3" services:   mssql:       build: .       image: 'microsoft/mssql-server-linux'       ports:           - '1433:1433'       environment:           - ACCEPT_EULA=Y           - SA_PASSWORD=Abcgfgh123!       volumes:           - db_volume:/var/lib/mssql/data volumes:   db_volume: 
like image 891
user3437721 Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 20:11


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1 Answers

The image parameter for a service in a docker-compose.yml definition has dual meanings depending on the existence of a build parameter.

  • If there is no build stanza, The image will just be pulled and run.

  • If you have a build stanza, image will be the name your built image is tagged as, and run.

By naming the built image microsoft/mssql-server-linux, which is the same as the FROM microsoft/mssql-server-linux image. Docker was layering the build on top of itself each time.

The original build started on the "official" microsoft/mssql-server-linux but then each subsequent build would start from your local microsoft/mssql-server-linux image which had been appended to, until eventually you hit the maximum number of layers for your storage driver.

Use your own namespace for all images you build:

version: "3" services:   mssql:       build: .       image: 'user3437721/mssql-server-linux' 
like image 90
Matt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
