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Docker + Laravel queue:work

I'm trying to run the following command after the container is up and running.

php artisan queue:work -n -q &

The "&" is there because the daemon option was deprecated and later removed from Laravel.

However, this breaks my container startup completely.

CMD ["php", "artisan", "queue:work", "-n", "-q", "&"]

How should I do this in a Docker way?


Using docker-compose I added this line to my docker-compose.yml file

command: bash -c 'php artisan queue:work -n -q;'

The container started but did not serve any requests :S

Using this:

command: bash -c 'php artisan queue:work -n -q &; echo "runs"; tail -f /dev/null'

The container stopped after starting up

Final solution

So in the end I thought that maybe the server in charge of delivering the app should not be the one running the queue.

Therefore I spin up another instance of the same docker image with the sole purpose of running artisan queue:work.

like image 882
Borjante Avatar asked Feb 20 '18 11:02


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2 Answers

If you need graceful shutdown for queue, you can follow this.

This is taken from @Paul Redmond's article at Laravel News and extending his docker-entrypoint file so suite my need. After a lot of testing for graceful shutdown I finally was able to do.

First thing in docker-compose.yml file set stop_signal: SIGTERM for your queue service.

    image: laravel-www
    container_name: laravel-queue
    stop_signal: SIGTERM
      - app
      - .:/var/www/html

Next in the entrypoint.sh file, the main thing is to run the queue:work using the exec command.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

# Run our defined exec if args empty
if [ -z "$1" ]; then

    if [ "$env" != "local" ]; then
        echo "Caching configuration..."
        (cd /var/www/html && php artisan cache:clear && php artisan config:clear && php artisan route:clear && php artisan view:clear)
        (cd /var/www/html && php artisan config:cache && php artisan event:cache && php artisan route:cache && php artisan view:cache)

    if [ "$role" = "app" ]; then

        echo "Running PHP-FPM..."
        exec php-fpm

    elif [ "$role" = "queue" ]; then

        echo "Running the queue..."
        exec php /var/www/html/artisan queue:work -vv --no-interaction --tries=3 --sleep=5 --timeout=300 --delay=10

    elif [ "$role" = "cron" ]; then

        echo "Running the cron..."
        while [ true ]
          exec php /var/www/html/artisan schedule:run -vv --no-interaction
          sleep 60

        echo "Could not match the container role \"$role\""
        exit 1

    exec "$@"

Your are done. Next time you stop queue service, it will stop gracefully and won't wait 10 seconds for SIGKILL. I think it has to do with the PID 1 thing.

like image 157
Ahmedul Haque Abid Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Ahmedul Haque Abid

The queue:work command runs in the foreground, so you should run it that way so the container doesn't exit immediately.

Since the application code in Laravel is the same for running a container as a web application, queue, or scheduler I build one image that I can use in these contexts. I use a bash start script with an environment variable to define a container role, and this is what I run for a queue worker container:


# Defaults to an app server

if [ "$role" = "queue" ]; then
    # Run queue
    php artisan queue:work --verbose --tries=3 --timeout=90
elif [ "$role" = "app" ]; then
    # Run the web application
    /usr/bin/caddy --agree=true --conf=/etc/Caddyfile
elif [ "$role" = "scheduler" ]; then
    while [ true ]
      php artisan schedule:run --verbose --no-interaction &
      sleep 60
    echo "Could not match the container role...."
    exit 1

Also note the infinite while loop and sleep combo to keep the scheduler role running and running the schedule:run command in the background in case the scheduler runs overlap (since they need to run every minute regardless of if the last one finished).

like image 40
Paul Redmond Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Paul Redmond