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Docker Installation Error on Windows behind Firewall

I'm trying to install Docker on a Windows computer but I get this message:

Docker Quickstart Terminal Error Message

Running pre-create checks...
(default) No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally, downloading the latest release...
Error with pre-create check: "Get https://api.github.com/repos/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases/latest: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
Looks like something went wrong in step 'Checking if machine default exists'...
Press any key to continue...

Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

like image 252
Amy Wang Avatar asked Jun 03 '16 17:06

Amy Wang

People also ask

Does Docker bypass firewall?

Docker Network bypasses Firewall, no option to disable Check the firewall; docker will by use "anywhere" as the source, thereby all containers are exposed to the public.

Can you run a firewall in Docker?

Integration with Firewalld. If you are running Docker version 20.10. 0 or higher with firewalld on your system with --iptables enabled, Docker automatically creates a firewalld zone called docker and inserts all the network interfaces it creates (for example, docker0 ) into the docker zone to allow seamless networking.

Why is Docker not working Windows 10?

Operating System. If you do not run a 64-bit version of Windows Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education; 1511 November update, Build 10586 or later, you cannot run Docker for Windows. You can install Docker Toolbox if you have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or later. Alternately, you do have the option to upgrade.

2 Answers

Editing the start.sh file may come up with other error things.

Instead that, just put your boot2docker.iso in below location as.


and restart your Docker terminal.

like image 180
Mark-VII Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09


You may behind a firewall. If so, you will need to configure an http proxy.

According to https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker-cli/issues/230 you can do this one of a couple of ways:

(1) Edit start.sh and add the following before boot2docker.exe is called

export HTTP_PROXY=<proxy>
export HTTPS_PROXY=<proxy>

(2) Add HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY (and their values) to your System Variables or User Variables in your Windows config.

The proxy value should be of the form http://hostname:port

like image 20
rrauenza Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
