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Docker inside docker : volume is mounted, but empty

I am running a docker container with docker mounted inside using :

docker run -v /Path/to/service:/src/service -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --net=host image-name python run.py

This runs a python script that creates a data folder in /src and fills it. When printing os.listdir('/src/data'), I get a list of files.

I then run a container from within this container, mounting the data folder, using docker-py.

volumes = {'/src/data': {'bind': '/src', 'mode': 'rw'}}    
client.containers.run(image, command='ls data', name=container_key, network='host', volumes=volumes)

And it prints :

Starting with UID: 0 and HOME: /src\n0\n'

Which means data is mounted, but empty. What am I doing wrong ?

like image 339
user6403833 Avatar asked Jun 21 '18 14:06


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Cloning From An Existing Container But, if you do need to add a volume to a running container, you can use docker commit to make a new image based on that container, and then clone it with the new volume. Then, you can run the new image, replacing the old image with the cloned one.

1 Answers

So- mounting docker inside the container means that containers started from in there are running on your HOST machine.

The end result is you have two containers on host- one with /Path/to/service:/src/service and one with /src/data:/src

If you want to share a volume between two containers you should usually use a "named" volume like docker run -v sharedvolume:/src/data and docker run -v sharedvolume:/src

like image 100
Paul Becotte Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Paul Becotte