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Docker env vars + Heroku; Heroku requires ENV while local build requires ARG




My understanding of Heroku's Docker container-registry CLI was that it was a wrapper around the Docker cli.

When I build locally I'll use, for example: docker build -f Dockerfile.example --build-arg SECRET_KEY=abc. And I'll have set ARG SECRET_KEY in my Dockerfile.example.

However if I want to push up to heroku's docker container-registry, I found out that I need to declare ENV SECRET_KEY=abc in my Dockerfile.example, and then run the command heroku container:push example --recursive.

Why is the case? What sets them apart? Isn't hardcoding the ENV bad security practice? Does Heroku offer a way around this?

like image 707
Jay Jung Avatar asked Mar 25 '18 13:03

Jay Jung

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1 Answers

You can run something like
heroku container:push web --arg SECRET_KEY=xxxSecret123

In that way, You don't have to feed information in your Dockerfile directly.

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Sudharsan Ravikumar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

Sudharsan Ravikumar