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Docker container specific disk quota


Every Docker container will be configured with 10 GB disk space by default, which is the default configuration of devicemapper and it works for all containers. how can I limit inodes or disk quota to the individual container?

For example :

container #1 with disk 10GB and 10000 Inode value

container #2 with disk 20GB and 100000 Inode value

Note : I understand that we can change Default value 10GB by using docker -d--storage-opt but this applied to each and every containter.

Question : how can I limit inodes or disk quota to the individual container?

like image 928
Ningappa Avatar asked Jul 23 '16 13:07


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Storage Driver By default, each container is set to have 10GB of disk size. For OpenDJ containers, this may not be large enough. There are two ways to increase the container disk size: Set the option globally in /etc/docker/daemon.

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1 Answers

As of 1.12 this is supported for dm, btrfs and zfs. The syntax is:

$ docker create -it --storage-opt size=120G fedora /bin/bash

Note that the size must (obviously) be above whatever you have set in your daemon opts.

Relevant docs link.

like image 126
johnharris85 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
