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Docker container exits when using -it option

Consider the following Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y apache2 && \
    apt-get clean

ENTRYPOINT ["apache2ctl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]

When running the container with the command docker run -p 8080:80 <image-id>, then the container starts and remains running, allowing the default Apache web page to be accessed on https://localhost:8080 from the host as expected. With this run command however, I am not able to quit the container using Ctrl+C, also as expected, since the container was not launched with the -it option. Now, if the -it option is added to the run command, then the container exits immediately after startup. Why is that? Is there an elegant way to have apache run in the foreground while exiting on Ctrl+C?

like image 597
Sam Herrmann Avatar asked Jan 03 '18 23:01

Sam Herrmann

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When detached, your container will keep on running even if you exit the container. Your interactive docker session is now in daemon mode. You can verify it using docker ps command to see it in the running containers list. When you want to use it again, you can attach the container again. This way the container starts and run in the background.

What is Docker Run command?

So, the docker run is a command to launch Docker containers. Why containers exit on docker run? Containers exit on docker run due to many reasons. And mostly this can happen due to improper setup of Dockerfile.

1 Answers

All that you need to do is pass the -d option to the run command:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 my-container
like image 81
yamenk Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
