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docker-compose volumes_from equivalent with version 3

I'm trying to create an Nginx/PHP FPM setup with docker compose and am having issues with the version 3 volumes syntax/changes.

My Dockerfile:

FROM php:7-fpm VOLUME /var/www/html 

My docker-compose.yml:

version: "3" services:   php:     build: .     volumes:       - ./html:/var/www/html   web:     image: nginx     links:       - php     ports:       - "8888:80"     volumes:       - php:/var/www/html       - ./default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf volumes:   php: 

When I add an index.php file into ./html, I can view that by going to http://localhost:8888, but any static files (like CSS) return a 404 because Nginx cannot find those in its container (/var/www/html is empty on the nginx container). With version 3 docker compose files do not have volumes_from anymore, which is basically what I'm trying to replicate.

How can I get this to work with version 3?

like image 927
Rob Avatar asked Feb 14 '17 17:02


People also ask

What are the versions of Docker compose?

Docker Compose has 3 major API versions (v1, v2 and v3).

What is the latest Docker compose version?

docker-compose 1.20.

How do I update Docker Compose to latest version?

There are 2 options to upgrade docker-compose if you first downloaded and installed docker-compose using the Curl command. Using Curl, jq package, and Github's direct URL to the docker-compose repository. Using Curl, Sed, and Github's direct URL to the docker-compose repository.

1 Answers

For using "Named volumes" for sharing files between containers you need to define

1) volumes: section on the top level of yml file and define volume name

volumes:   php: 

2) define volume section on first container like you did (Where share will mount)

web:     volumes:       - php:/var/www/html #<container_name>:<mount_point> 

3) define volume section on second container (Share will mount from)

php:   volumes:     - php:/var/www/html 

4) (optionally) If you need to store volume data on the host machine you can use local-persist docker plugin. You can specify docker volume driver and path where you data will be stored.

volumes:   php:     driver: local-persist     driver_opts:       mountpoint: /path/on/host/machine/ 

In your case you forgot define volume name for php container. Just replace

  php:     build: .     volumes:       - ./html:/var/www/html 


  php:     build: .     volumes:       - php:/var/www/html 

and use Local Persist Docker Plugin

like image 149
Bukharov Sergey Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Bukharov Sergey