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docker-compose down default_network error

I have a docker-compose with some php, mysql and so on starting. After a few days, I cannot bring them down as everything stopps instead of mysql. It always gives me the following error:

ERROR: network docker_default has active endpoints 

this is my docker-compose.yml

version: '2' services:   php:     build: php-docker/.     container_name: php     ports:       - "9000:9000"     volumes:       - /var/www/:/var/www/     links:       - mysql:mysql     restart: always    nginx:     build: nginx-docker/.     container_name: nginx     links:       - php       - mysql:mysql     environment:       WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: mysql:3306     ports:       - "80:80"      volumes:       - /var/log/nginx:/var/log/nginx       - /var/www/:/var/www/       - /var/logs/nginx:/var/logs/nginx       - /var/config/nginx/certs:/etc/nginx/certs       - /var/config/nginx/sites-enabled:/etc/nginx/sites-available     restart: always    mysql:     build: mysql-docker/.     container_name: mysql     volumes:       - /var/mysql:/var/lib/mysql     environment:       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: pw       MYSQL_USER: florian       MYSQL_PASSWORD: pw       MYSQL_DATABASE: database     restart: always     phpmyadmin:     build: phpmyadmin/.     links:      - mysql:db     ports:      - 1234:80     container_name: phpmyadmin     environment:      PMA_ARBITRARY: 1      PMA_USERNAME: florian      PMA_PASSWORD: pw      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: pw     restart: always 

docker network inspect docker_default gives me:

[     {         "Name": "docker_default",         "Id": "1ed93da1a82efdab065e3a833067615e2d8b76336968a2591584af5874f07622",         "Created": "2017-03-08T07:21:34.969179141Z",         "Scope": "local",         "Driver": "bridge",         "EnableIPv6": false,         "IPAM": {             "Driver": "default",             "Options": null,             "Config": [                 {                     "Subnet": "",                     "Gateway": ""                 }             ]         },         "Internal": false,         "Attachable": false,         "Containers": {             "85985605f1c0c20e5ee9fedc95800327f782beafc0049f51e645146d2e954b7d": {                 "Name": "mysql",                 "EndpointID": "84fb19cd428f8b0ba764b396362727d9809cd1cfea536e648bfc4752c5cb6b27",                 "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:03",                 "IPv4Address": "",                 "IPv6Address": ""             }         },         "Options": {},         "Labels": {}     } ] 


Seems that docker rm mysql -f stopped the mysql container, but the network is running.

Removed the network with docker network disconnect -f docker_default mysql But I'm pretty interested in how I got into this situation. any ideas?

like image 499
Florian Avatar asked Mar 16 '17 18:03


People also ask

How do I make docker compose down?

Options. Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file. Remove named volumes declared in the volumes section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.

Does docker compose down destroy volumes?

Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up .

Does docker compose down delete images?

The docker-compose down command helps to Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes.

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We can simply get the ids of the containers with the command docker ps -aq, then by using the docker rm command, we can remove all the containers in the docker-machine.

2 Answers

I'm guessing you edited the docker-compose file while you were currently running...?

Sometimes if you edit the docker-compose file before doing a docker-compose down it will then have a mismatch in what docker-compose will attempt to stop. First run docker rm 8598560 to stop the currently running container. From there, make sure you do a docker-compose down before editing the file. Once you stop the container, docker-compose up should work.

like image 148
nateleavitt Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10


I resolved a similar problem when I added this after rename services in by docker-compose.yml file before stop container

docker-compose down --remove-orphans 
like image 44
Alex K Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Alex K