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Docker: bind `/uploads` directory to Amazon S3 Storage

I want to migrate my php site from a virtual machine to a docker container. My site persists all uploaded files to the uploads directory. Now I would like to transfer all the files to S3 Storage and save further uploads also to Amazon S3. But I don't want to rewrite the php file uploader class. Is it possible to create in Docker the symlink folder, or virtual folder, so that all writes and reads on uploads/** path are 'redirected' to S3 Storage.

Docker supports S3 Storage Driver but I am new to docker, and don't know how the folder should be mapped to the s3 storage in dockerfile. No other examples I have found.

Thank you for your help.

Update: Please see the Taruns answer. If you also know, that AWS Storage Gateway on hosting environment, is the only one good solution, please upvote or share your thoughts.

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tenbits Avatar asked Aug 08 '17 07:08


1 Answers

The S3 storage link that your posted is for Docker Registry setup and not for Docker volumes. What you need is to map a folder on your hard drive to the container. So let's assume you map /var/www/uploads on host to your uploads inside the container.

Now what you want is /var/www/uploads to be actually mounted as an S3 backed folder. For this Amazon had launched an AWS Storage Gateway. You can use that to create a S3 backed folder on your system. Below is an article from Amazon that details how to configure the same


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Tarun Lalwani Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Tarun Lalwani