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Do you use nouns for classnames that represent callable objects?

There is a more generic question asked here. Consider this as an extension to that.

I understand that classes represent type of objects and we should use nouns as their names. But there are function objects supported in many language that acts more like functions than objects. Should I name those classes also as nouns, or verbs are ok in that case. doSomething(), semantically, makes more sense than Something().

Update / Conclusion

The two top voted answers I got on this shares a mixed opinion:


In the case of functors, however, they represent "action", so naming them with a verb (or some sort of noun-verb combination) is more appropriate -- just like you would name a function based on what it is doing.


The instance of a functor on the other hand is effectively a function, and would perhaps be better named accordingly. Following Jim's suggestion above, SomethingDoer doSomething; doSomething();

Both of them, after going through some code, seems to be the common practice. In GNU implementation of stl I found classes like negate, plus, minus (bits/stl_function.h) etc. And variate_generator, mersenne_twister (tr1/random.h). Similarly in boost I found classes like base_visitor, predecessor_recorder (graph/visitors.hpp) as well as inverse, inplace_erase (icl/functors.hpp)

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Vikas Avatar asked May 30 '12 06:05


People also ask

What happens when we call a class in Python?

In Python, the syntax for instantiating a new class instance is the same as the syntax for calling a function. There's no new needed: we just call the class. When we call a function, we get its return value. When we call a class, we get an “instance” of that class.

Is a class the same as a function in Python?

Functions do specific things, classes are specific things. Classes often have methods, which are functions that are associated with a particular class, and do things associated with the thing that the class is - but if all you want is to do something, a function is all you need.

2 Answers

Objects (and thus classes) usually represent "things", therefore you want to name them with nouns. In the case of functors, however, they represent "action", so naming them with a verb (or some sort of noun-verb combination) is more appropriate -- just like you would name a function based on what it is doing.

In general, you would want to name things (objects, functions, etc.) after their purpose, that is, what they represent in the program/the world.

You can think of functors as functions (thus "action") with state. Since the clean way of achieving this (having a state associated with your "action") is to create an object that stores the state, you get an object, which is really an "action" (a fancy function).

Note that the above applies to languages where you can make a pure functor, that is, an object where the invocation is the same as for a regular function (e.g. C++). In languages where this is not supported (that is, you have to have a method other than operator() called, like command.do()), you would want to name the command-like class/object a noun and name the method called a verb.

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Attila Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09


The type of the functor is a class, which you may as well name in your usual style (for instance, a noun) because it doesn't really do anything on its own. The instance of a functor on the other hand is effectively a function, and would perhaps be better named accordingly. Following Jim's suggestion above, SomethingDoer doSomething; doSomething();

A quick peek at my own code shows I've managed to avoid this issue entirely by using words which are both nouns and verbs... Filter and Show for example. Might be tricky to apply that naming scheme in all circumstances, however!

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Rook Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
