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Do you define an interface for every public class in your domain model? Pros and Cons? [closed]

Do you implement an interface for every public class in your domain model? Pros and Cons?

Update: If Repositories interfaces and domain model classes are defined in separate assemblies, wouldn't there be circular dependency if we do not define interfaces for every domain class.

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StackUnderflow Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 07:11


2 Answers



  1. Noise code.
  2. More to write.
  3. YAGNI.
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Mike Chaliy Avatar answered May 10 '23 23:05

Mike Chaliy

You should define interfaces for dependencies between layers, not for every class. So your Service layer should depend on a repository interface, and your presentation layer should depend on a service interface. Past that, there aren't many hard and fast rules, other then use them where it makes sense.

Common sense is a good part of any good design.

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Matt Briggs Avatar answered May 10 '23 23:05

Matt Briggs