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Do we need to consume HttpURLConnection's error stream when IOException thrown



According to technical guide from Oracle Java, we should consume HttpURLConnection's error stream when IOException thrown


What can you do to help with Keep-Alive? Do not abandon a connection by ignoring the response body. Doing so may results in idle TCP connections. That needs to be garbage collected when they are no longer referenced.

If getInputStream() successfully returns, read the entire response body.

When calling getInputStream() from HttpURLConnection, if an IOException occurs, catch the exception and call getErrorStream() to get the response body (if there is any).

Reading the response body cleans up the connection even if you are not interested in the response content itself. But if the response body is long and you are not interested in the rest of it after seeing the beginning, you can close the InputStream. But you need to be aware that more data could be on its way. Thus the connection may not be cleared for reuse.

Here's a code example that complies to the above recommendation:

Here's the code example

try {
        URL a = new URL(args[0]);
        URLConnection urlc = a.openConnection();
        is = conn.getInputStream();
        int ret = 0;
        while ((ret = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
        // close the inputstream
} catch (IOException e) {
        try {
                respCode = ((HttpURLConnection)conn).getResponseCode();
                es = ((HttpURLConnection)conn).getErrorStream();
                int ret = 0;
                // read the response body
                while ((ret = es.read(buf)) > 0) {
                // close the errorstream
        } catch(IOException ex) {
                // deal with the exception

Does this applicable to Android platform? As I don't see such technique in most of the Android code example.

like image 325
Cheok Yan Cheng Avatar asked Apr 17 '14 14:04

Cheok Yan Cheng

1 Answers

If you are not interested in displaying the error message to the user, close the InputStream or invoke disconnect on HttpURLConnection in finally block without reading the error message. This is what you see in most of the examples.

I came across following comment in one of the source code, while browsing the implementation of HttpURLConnection. That could be the reason why connections are closed without reading all data.

This should be invoked when the connection is closed unexpectedly to invalidate the cache entry and to prevent the HTTP connection from being reused. HTTP messages are sent in serial so whenever a message cannot be read to completion, subsequent messages cannot be read either and the connection must be discarded.

According to Android's implementation of HttpURLConnection, in case of exception:

  • If error is not read and the InputStream is closed, the connection will be considered as not reusable and closed down.
  • If you read the error and then close the InputStream, connection is considered as reusable and is added to the connection pool.

You can see in the below image, variable connection & connectionReleased are set to null and true respectively, as soon as all data is read. Note that getErrorStream returns the InputStream, so it is valid in exception scenario also.

enter image description here

Code analysis : Let's look at the FixedLengthInputStream one of the specialized InputStream implementation. Here is the close method implementation:

 @Override public void close() throws IOException {
    if (closed) {
    closed = true;
    if (bytesRemaining != 0) {

Instance variable bytesRemaining contains byte count still available on the InputStream to be read. Here is the unexpectedEndOfInput method implementation:

protected final void unexpectedEndOfInput() {
    if (cacheRequest != null) {

Here is the release method implementation. Calling disconnect on HttpURLConnection instance leads the call to this release method with false as parameter. The last if check ensures whether connection need to be closed down or added to the connection pool for reuse.

public final void release(boolean reusable) {
    // If the response body comes from the cache, close it.
    if (responseBodyIn == cachedResponseBody) {
    if (!connectionReleased && connection != null) {
        connectionReleased = true;
        // We cannot reuse sockets that have incomplete output.
        if (requestBodyOut != null && !requestBodyOut.closed) {
            reusable = false;
        // If the headers specify that the connection shouldn't be reused, don't reuse it.
        if (hasConnectionCloseHeader()) {
            reusable = false;
        if (responseBodyIn instanceof UnknownLengthHttpInputStream) {
            reusable = false;
        if (reusable && responseBodyIn != null) {
            // We must discard the response body before the connection can be reused.
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                reusable = false;
        if (!reusable) {
            connection = null;
        } else if (automaticallyReleaseConnectionToPool) {
            connection = null;

The code shared by you, in which the IOException is handled, error stream is read and then closed, ensures the Connection is reusable and is added to the connection pool. The moment all data is read from InputStream the Connection is added to the connection pool. Here is the read method implementation of FixedLengthInputStream :

@Override public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) throws IOException {
        Arrays.checkOffsetAndCount(buffer.length, offset, count);
        if (bytesRemaining == 0) {
            return -1;
        int read = in.read(buffer, offset, Math.min(count, bytesRemaining));
        if (read == -1) {
            unexpectedEndOfInput(); // the server didn't supply the promised content length
            throw new IOException("unexpected end of stream");
        bytesRemaining -= read;
        cacheWrite(buffer, offset, read);
        if (bytesRemaining == 0) {
        return read;

When bytesRemaining variable becomes 0, endOfInput is called which will futher call release method with true parameter, which will ensures the connection is pooled.

protected final void endOfInput(boolean reuseSocket) throws IOException {
        if (cacheRequest != null) {
like image 66
Manish Mulimani Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Manish Mulimani