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Do we need combine the transform-runtime and preset-env in an application? [closed]

Question 1

I find that there are many unnecessary duplications in the (webpack) bundle (output)result, to be specific, they all are the helpers(like classCheck, objectSpread(due to the object-spread plugin).

So, I want to reduce the duplications. If it's a library, sure, I will use transform-runtime plugin(refer to runtime-corejs3) to do this. But now this is an application, so, what's the correct way to do this?

Therefor I'm getting confused because the transfrom-runtime plugin is recommended for library(and is for the whole reduction. i.e. core-js, regenerator and the helpers). But here I just want to reduce the helper duplications, not others duplications because that has been done by babel/env.

So here the question I want to ask/discuss is that is it necessary to reduce the helpers duplications in an application, if yes, and how?

Question 2

The other question is, core-js/modules/es.promise.js and core-js-pure/modules/es.promise.js are exactly the same code, the main difference just is that the former has global pollution? If so, why core-js doesn't use(directly import) core-js-pure to polyfill and then add it to global? IMO, this will greatly reduce the duplications because at now the libs use transform-runtime(finally core-js-pure) but apps use preset-env(finally core-js), there is no shared/shareable codes between apps and libs, right?

like image 730
SmallTown NE Avatar asked Apr 14 '20 13:04

SmallTown NE

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What is the difference between @Babel/preset-ENV and @Babel/transform- runtime?

Important to note here is that @babel/preset-env respects your targets, and doesn't include unnecessary pollyfills, where @babel/transform-runtime will include every polyfillable feature, which leads to many unnecessary polyfills.

How does the Transform-Transform-runtime plugin work with core-JS-pure?

The @babel/transform-runtime plugin does some magic and inserts several folders with files in this package in node_modules. This is why @babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers or @babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable folders exist in the first place. Now, the important part is that the files in these folders import things from core-js-pure.

Why when using @Babel/transform-runtime my app gets large?

So when you use @babel/transform-runtime plugin, it includes polyfills from the core-js-pure folder, and doesn't pollute the global environment. Why when using @babel/transform-runtime my app gets large? As explained above, your app code is bundled together with the polyfills for features like Promise.

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Experimental proposals are at risk of being dropped or modified at any time. Or a feature might already be "ratified," which means it will be included in the next release of JavaScript ("stage 4"). stage-0 - Strawman: just an idea, possible Babel plugin. stage-1 - Proposal: this is worth working on.

1 Answers

@babel/plugin-transform-runtime: add polyfills without attatching them to the global scope.

@babel/preset-env with useBuiltins: "usage": add polyfills to the global scope.

@babel/preset-env with useBuiltIns: false (default): Don't add polyfills.

So @babel/plugin-transform-runtime is recommended for both library and application to add polyfills.


module.exports = {
  presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],
  plugins: [
like image 95
Masih Jahangiri Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Masih Jahangiri