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Do we have some placeholders in java for string as we have (?) in SQL prepared statement




Can i have placeholder for String java like we have in sql prepared statements?

Eg Conside that i have string St = "akkk ? la,ala ? " ,

now i want to set values of ? as i set it in sql prepared statement st.setStingValue(1,"akshay"); // do we have something like this? St.setStringValue(2,"anjaaa");

like image 788
akshay Avatar asked Feb 08 '11 06:02


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1 Answers

You can use String.format

String st = "akkk %s la,ala %s "; 
String result = String.format(st, "First Val", "Second Val");

Alternatively, you can use numeric positions

String st = "akkk %1$s la,ala %2$s "; 
String result = String.format(st, "First Val", "Second Val");
like image 156
The Scrum Meister Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

The Scrum Meister