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Do the openssl X509_verify_cert() verifies the signature in the certificate?





Do the openssl X509_verify_cert() API verifies the RSA signature in the certificate ?

To my understanding , that API checks only certificate validity (like date check and all).

Somebody please clarify ?

like image 825
Lunar Mushrooms Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 14:02

Lunar Mushrooms

1 Answers

API X509_verify_cert() verifies based on the Verification flag u set in the X509_store structure . With this API u can verify the Certificate
2.Issuer (Trust path)
2.1 Intermediate certificates Expiry ,
2.2 Intermediate certificates Trust chain ,
2.3 Intermediate certificates Revocation ,
3.Revocation of the Certificate against the CRL
3.1 CRL expiry
3.2 CRL Trust path
(Note : verify the CRL u need minimum one Certificate atleast in the store_ctx variable)
4.Depth of the Trust chain
5.Signature of the Certificates

Flags for different verification were mentioned in the x509_vfy.h file

        /* Send issuer+subject checks to verify_cb */
       #define  X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK     0x1
      /* Use check time instead of current time */
       #define  X509_V_FLAG_USE_CHECK_TIME      0x2
      /* Lookup CRLs */
      #define   X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK           0x4
        /* Lookup CRLs for whole chain */
      #define   X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL       0x8
        /* Ignore unhandled critical extensions */
      #define   X509_V_FLAG_IGNORE_CRITICAL     0x10
     /* Disable workarounds for broken certificates */
     #define    X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT         0x20
     /* Enable proxy certificate validation */
      #define   X509_V_FLAG_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS       0x40
      /* Enable policy checking */
        #define X509_V_FLAG_POLICY_CHECK        0x80
     /* Policy variable require-explicit-policy */
   #define X509_V_FLAG_EXPLICIT_POLICY      0x100
    /* Policy variable inhibit-any-policy */
    #define X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_ANY         0x200
     /* Policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping */
      #define X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_MAP           0x400
    /* Notify callback that policy is OK */
     #define X509_V_FLAG_NOTIFY_POLICY      0x800
     /* Extended CRL features such as indirect CRLs, alternate CRL signing keys */
     #define X509_V_FLAG_EXTENDED_CRL_SUPPORT   0x1000
    /* Delt1a CRL support */
    #define X509_V_FLAG_USE_DELTAS          0x2000
     /* Check selfsigned CA signature */
   #define X509_V_FLAG_CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE       0x4000
like image 91
Balamurugan Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 14:02
