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Do STL containers support ARC when storing Obj-C objects in Objective-C++?

For example, would this leak?

static std::tuple<CGSize, NSURL *> getThumbnailURL() {
  return std::make_tuple(CGSizeMake(100, 100), [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://examples.com/image.jpg"]);
like image 212
Jon Sharkey Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 18:06

Jon Sharkey

1 Answers

No, it wouldn't leak. That NSURL object would be managed by ARC properly.


If a template argument for a template type parameter is an retainable object owner type that does not have an explicit ownership qualifier, it is adjusted to have __strong qualification.

std::tuple<CGSize, NSURL *> is the same as std::tuple<CGSize, NSURL __strong *>. Thus NSURL object will be released when the std::tuple instance is destructed.

like image 194
Kazuki Sakamoto Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Kazuki Sakamoto