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Do static libraries, which depend on other slibs need the actual 'code' from them to work?


Sorry about the vague question title, I just want to ascertain some things.

Static libraries don't link with other static libraries, right?

So when I write a slib: A, that uses functionality of another: B, all I have to provide are the headers of B to A, and only those, even if A actually uses functionality from B? Yes?

As long as exe: X, which uses A,has B.lib specified as linker input?

So that at link time, the linker takes A.lib, which basically only knows that a function of B was called somewhere inside its code, and somehow fills that information from B.lib, making A.lib 'whole', before X gets linked with the now working parts of it?

The motivation behind these questions is to get rid of some linker warnings 4006 and discarded double definitions, and I think that should do the trick, if this is actually a valid way of doing it.