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Do PowerShell scripts run under Mono?

Do PowerShell scripts run under Mono? I would like to run them on a Mac.

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tellingmachine Avatar asked Jul 05 '09 01:07


People also ask

Can I run 2 PowerShell scripts in parallel?

Parallel foreach (PowerShell 7.0)You can run all scripts in parallel for each piped input object. If your script is crunching a lot of data over a significant period of time and if the machine you are running on has multiple cores that can host the script block threads.

Can PowerShell run scripts?

Run Your PowerShell Scripts. After configuring the execution policy, you can run PowerShell scripts. To run a script, open a PowerShell window, type the script's name (with or without the . ps1 extension) followed by the script's parameters (if any), and press Enter.

Can we run PowerShell script in Linux?

PowerShell can be installed on different Linux distributions. Most Linux platforms and distributions have a major release each year, and provide a package manager that is used to install PowerShell.

1 Answers

There is an open source version of PowerShell called Pash designed for Mono. It is not complete, but may be able to do what you need:

http://pash.sourceforge.net/ (this project has not been active for quite some time)

Checkout the re-start at: Pash-Project on GitHub.

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jpobst Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
