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Do not close tooltip when input has focus after click

How can I make tooltip do not be closed if input has focus? It works when it gets focus with tab, but if I use mouse to focus on input, tooltip will be closed on mouseout even if input has focus.

I can do

$('input').tooltip().off("mouseover mouseout");

But this will dissable tooltip on hover and I just need to dissable mouseout when input has focus.


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Qiao Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 10:02


2 Answers

Try this:

Working Example

    close: function (event, ui) { //when the tooltip is supposed to close 
        if ($('input').is(':focus')) { // check to see if input is focused 
            $('input').tooltip('open'); // if so stay open

New and Improved Method:

Better Working Example

    hide: {
        effect: 'explode'// added for visibility
}).mouseleave(function () { // on mouse leave
    if ($('input').is(':focus')) { // if input is focused 
        ui.tooltip.preventDefault(); //prevent the tooltip's default behavior
        $('input').tooltip('open'); // leave the tooltip open
}).focusout(function () { // on focus out 
    $('input').tooltip('close'); // close the tooltip

API documentation:
open method
close event

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apaul Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 22:02


Instead of adding all these other listeners, I looked into the actual and decided the most effective way is to just inherit the widget and add an extra flag


Here's a demo http://jsfiddle.net/3dX6d/7/

(function ($) {
    $.widget("custom.tooltipX", $.ui.tooltip, {
        options: {
            focusPreventClose: false

        close: function (event, target, content) {
            if (this.options.focusPreventClose && $(this.element).is(":focus")) {
                // Don't call the parent's close() call but therefore have to add event on focus out
                this._on({ focusout:this.close });
            } else {

    focusPreventClose: true

Compared to the other solution, this doesn't require us to do more work with the extra open calls (which actually does several other calls within it). We simply prevent the tooltip to close when we have the focus on the element, as requested by original post.

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jltwoo Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 22:02
