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Do IE browsers (IE6, 7, 8) support @font-face?




According to this article, http://www.standardista.com/css3/font-face-browser-support IE supports @font-face but I couldn't find any site which has valid custom font face working for IE

Also, if IE supports custom font via @font-face from early on (IE6), then why people still using cufon for instance?

Any clarifications or examples?

like image 598
Grace Ladder Avatar asked Feb 26 '11 14:02

Grace Ladder

1 Answers

Older version of Internet Explorer supports Embedded OpenType (EOT) files before @font-face was formalized in CSS3. You can find compatible files on sites like FontSquirrel or Google's Font API. FontSquirrel's conversion tool should also help here. Also worth a read would be the latest bulletproof syntax recommended by fontspring to embedding multiple files for multiple browsers.

The fact that this wasn't used frequently until recently is two-folds; first there are legal issues with using @font-face fonts - copyrights to be specific. Unlike cufon which only retains the shape of the fonts, with @font-face you are transmitting the actual fonts themselves, which has legal implications.

The other problem is support in other browsers - Firefox 3 was the last of the modern browsers to not support @font-face in some way, so before Firefox 3.5's release in mid-2009 @font-face was still not viable. In addition to all that there are differences in format support between the browsers, so the development of the technology is slow.

like image 151
Yi Jiang Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10

Yi Jiang