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Do I need to sanitize the user input Laravel

I am using Laravel 4 with Eloquent. When I get the user input I just use $name=Input::get('name') and then I do $a->name=$name;

I don't know if the function Input::get protect me from SQL Injection and XSS. If it does not, what do I have to do to sanitize the input?

And, when I show the value in my view, shall I use {{$a}} or {{{$a}}}

Greetings and thanks.

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Fylux Avatar asked Oct 05 '14 12:10


People also ask

Does Laravel automatically sanitize input?

By default in Laravel there are two middlewares, which sanitize input data App\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings and Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull . Their names speak for themselves. These middlewares sanitize all input data of every request.

Should you sanitize user input?

The Basics. The first lesson anyone learns when setting up a web-to-database—or anything-to-database gateway where untrusted user input is concerned—is to always, always sanitize every input.

Why must you always sanitize user inputs before using them in your queries?

An application receives queries and requests from untrusted sources that might expose the system to malicious attacks. Input sanitization ensures that the entered data conforms to subsystem and security requirements, eliminating unnecessary characters that can pose potential harm.

Is sanitization compulsory in PHP?

Therefore, to safeguard the database from hackers, it is necessary to sanitize and filter the user entered data before sending it to the database.

1 Answers

Laravel uses PDO's parameter binding, so SQL injection is not something you should worry about. You should read this though.

Input::get() does not filter anything.

Triple curly braces do the same as e() and HTML::entities(). All of them call htmlentities with UTF-8 support:

htmlentities($your_string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
like image 160
cha-cha Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10
