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Do I need to return "render" in Grails?


Is that return necessary? Let's say it's in the middle of an action.

render(contentType:'text/json', text: ['success': true] as JSON)    
like image 835
RyanLynch Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 15:01


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1 Answers

If you don't return, any code after render will also be executed, which is often not what you want, e.g.

def someAction = {

  if (someCondition) {
    render view: 'success'
    // if we don't return execution would fall through to the code below

  log.error 'something went wrong'
  render view: 'error'

Of course, if you use this style instead, there's no need to return

def someAction = {

  if (someCondition) {
    render view: 'success'

  } else {    
    log.error 'something went wrong'
    render view: 'error'

If an action only has one exit point, there's no need to return after render

def someAction = {
    render view: 'success'

Just remember that the code after render will be executed if you don't return.

like image 144
Dónal Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 14:10
