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Do GWT CEllTables have a 15 row limit?





I have a little piece of code which populates a CellTable from a Type by adding the table as a DataProviders DataDisplay and by using the DataProviders list to create a ColumnSortHandler and corresponding Comparators... so each time the user clicks next I populate the table in this manner with the next set of data. It all works great apart from when the number of elements in my set of data is greater than 15. In this case only the top 15 (ordered) elements are displayed I.E. only 15 rows of the CellTable are visible within the VerticalDialog. Is this a default somewhere or can I configure this row limit. I've looked around my code and I can see places where I have instantiated a list and this will default to 10 elements but 15 has me baffled.

I can provide code but thought this would jog a memory without the need for boring old code.

Many thanks


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Tony Kennah Avatar asked Apr 02 '11 04:04

Tony Kennah

1 Answers

This is a default yes: http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTable.html#CellTable()

Constructs a table with a default page size of 15.

You can change it at any time with setPageSize or setVisibleRange.

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Thomas Broyer Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 02:11

Thomas Broyer