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Do C++ compilers perform compile-time optimizations on lambda closures?

Suppose we have the following (nonsensical) code:

const int a = 0;
int c = 0;
for(int b = 0; b < 10000000; b++)
    if(a) c++;
    c += 7;

Variable 'a' equals zero, so the compiler can deduce on compile time, that the instruction 'if(a) c++;' will never be executed and will optimize it away.

My question: Does the same happen with lambda closures?

Check out another piece of code:

const int a = 0;
function<int()> lambda = [a]()
    int c = 0;
    for(int b = 0; b < 10000000; b++)
        if(a) c++;
        c += 7;
    return c;

Will the compiler know that 'a' is 0 and will it optimize the lambda?

Even more sophisticated example:

function<int()> generate_lambda(const int a)
    return [a]()
        int c = 0;
        for(int b = 0; b < 10000000; b++)
            if(a) c++;
            c += 7;
        return c;

function<int()> a_is_zero = generate_lambda(0);
function<int()> a_is_one = generate_lambda(1);

Will the compiler be smart enough to optimize the first lambda when it knows that 'a' is 0 at generation time?

Does gcc or llvm have this kind of optimizations?

I'm asking because I wonder if I should make such optimizations manually when I know that certain assumptions are satisfied on lambda generation time or the compiler will do that for me.

like image 219
haael Avatar asked Aug 30 '15 19:08


People also ask

What is compiler optimization in C?

Compiler optimization is generally implemented using a sequence of optimizing transformations, algorithms which take a program and transform it to produce a semantically equivalent output program that uses fewer resources or executes faster.

What compiler option can be used to enable all optimizations?

GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff. As compared to -O , this option increases both compilation time and the performance of the generated code.

Do compilers Optimise code?

Compilers are free to optimize code so long as they can guarantee the semantics of the code are not changed.

Does GCC optimize code?

GCC has a range of optimization levels, plus individual options to enable or disable particular optimizations. The overall compiler optimization level is controlled by the command line option -On, where n is the required optimization level, as follows: -O0 . (default).

1 Answers

Looking at the assembly generated by gcc5.2 -O2 shows that the optimization does not happen when using std::function:

#include <functional>

int main()
    const int a = 0;    
    std::function<int()> lambda = [a]()
        int c = 0;
        for(int b = 0; b < 10000000; b++)
            if(a) c++;
            c += 7;
        return c;

    return lambda();

compiles to some boilerplate and

    movl    (%rdi), %ecx
    movl    $10000000, %edx
    xorl    %eax, %eax
    .p2align 4,,10
    .p2align 3
    cmpl    $1, %ecx
    sbbl    $-1, %eax
    addl    $7, %eax
    subl    $1, %edx
    jne .L3
    rep; ret

which is the loop you wanted to see optimized away. (Live) But if you actually use a lambda (and not an std::function), the optimization does happen:

int main()
    const int a = 0;    
    auto lambda = [a]()
        int c = 0;
        for(int b = 0; b < 10000000; b++)
            if(a) c++;
            c += 7;
        return c;

    return lambda();

compiles to

movl    $70000000, %eax

i.e. the loop was removed completely. (Live)

Afaik, you can expect a lambda to have zero overhead, but std::function is different and comes with a cost (at least at the current state of the optimizers, although people apparently work on this), even if the code "inside the std::function" would have been optimized. (Take that with a grain of salt and try if in doubt, since this will probably vary between compilers and versions. std::functions overhead can certainly be optimized away.)

As @MarcGlisse correctly pointed out, clang3.6 performs the desired optimization (equivalent to the second case above) even with std::function. (Live)

Bonus edit, thanks to @MarkGlisse again: If the function that contains the std::function is not called main, the optimization happening with gcc5.2 is somewhere between gcc+main and clang, i.e. the function gets reduced to return 70000000; plus some extra code. (Live)

Bonus edit 2, this time mine: If you use -O3, gcc will, (for some reason) as explained in Marco's answer, optimize the std::function to

cmpl    $1, (%rdi)
sbbl    %eax, %eax
andl    $-10000000, %eax
addl    $80000000, %eax

and keep the rest as in the not_main case. So I guess at the bottom of the line, one will just have to measure when using std::function.

like image 188
Baum mit Augen Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Baum mit Augen