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DNS without www is not working



I've got a domain name that is perfectely reachable using http://www.example.com

I would like that this same domain would be reachable using http://example.com

Unfortunately, with my actual DNS config, it doesn't work. Here what I have in DNS configuration :

*   CNAME   www
www CNAME   address_my_domain.

I was thinking that the wildcard would redirect to www, but it seems that I'm wrong... What can I define in my DNS to have the site accessible without www ? Thanks for help

like image 696
boris_atw Avatar asked Jan 31 '18 21:01


Video Answer

1 Answers

You can use wildcards to add subdomains, but not to subtract them - e.g.:

*.example.com.   IN CNAME example.com.

You'll need an A record to point to the correct ip address for the 'base' domain:

example.com.   IN  A
like image 148
match Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10
