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DNS entries between Cloudflare and Route 53

We're trying to set up Cloudflare prior to our launch. We initially registered our domain with Route 53 and want to keep it there... For context, our servers are hosted by DigitalOcean

We set up Cloudflare and went through the flow about 24 hours ago. We changed the NS entries on Route 53 to Cloudflare.

However, when we go to sites like http://www.whoishostingthis.com/, it's still showing Digital Ocean.

We also have a subdomain - c.opencritic.com - for our image deploy pipeline. This is showing similar results.

Here are our current entries:


  • A - opencritic.com - IP of server
  • MX - opencritic.com - Gmail web servers
  • NS - opencritic.com -Cloudflare name servers
  • SOA - opencritic.com - long Amazon string during setup
  • CNAME - c.opencritic.com - Alias of opencritic.com
  • CNAME - www.opencritic.com - Alias of opencritic.com


  • A - opencritic.com - IP of server
  • CNAME - c.opencritic.com - Alias of opencritic.com
  • CNAME - www.opencritic.com - Alias of opencritic.com

What are we missing?? Why aren't we being routed through Cloudflare?

Cheers, Matthew

like image 629
MattEnth Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 02:09


People also ask

How do I add a DNS record to Route 53?

Configure DNS Records on Route 53Click Hosted Zones and select the domain you wish to configure. Click Create Record Set to add a new record, then select A - IPv4 address for the record type. Leave the Name field blank and enter the A record value provided by Pantheon in the Value field.

How does Route 53 work with DNS?

The Route 53 name server searches the DNS zone for the www.website.com IP address and other relevant information and returns it to the DNS resolver. As specified by the Time to Live (TTL) parameter, the DNS resolver caches the IP address locally, and of course returns it to the user's web browser.

What is the difference between DNS and Route 53?

Your DNS is the service that translates your domain name into an IP address. AWS Route 53 is a smart DNS system that can dynamically change your origin address based on load, and even perform load balancing before traffic even reaches your servers.

1 Answers


Route53 has two different places for DNS records: the actual name servers listed on the domain registration page, and the NS records.

We had editted the second, but not the first.

like image 154
MattEnth Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
