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Dll function call is faster then a normal function call?

I was testing the speed of an exported function in a DLL and a normal function. How is it possible that an exported function in a DLL is a lot faster?

100000000 function calls in a DLL cost: 0.572682 seconds
100000000 normal function class cost: 2.75258 seconds

This is the function in the DLL:

extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) int example()
    return 1;

This is the normal function call:

int example()
    return 1;

This is how I test it:

int main()
    LARGE_INTEGER frequention;
    LARGE_INTEGER dllCallStart,dllCallStop;
    LARGE_INTEGER normalStart,normalStop;
    int resultCalculation;

    //Initialize the Timer
    double frequency = frequention.QuadPart;
    double secondsElapsedDll = 0;
    double secondsElapsedNormal = 0;

    //Load the Dll
    HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibraryA("example.dll");

        cout << "Dll error!" << endl;
        return 0;

    dllFunction = (testFunction)GetProcAddress(hDll, "example");

    if( !dllFunction )
        cout << "Dll function error!" << endl;
        return 0;

    resultCalculation = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
        resultCalculation += dllFunction();


    resultCalculation = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
        resultCalculation += example();

    //Calculate the result time
    secondsElapsedDll = ((dllCallStop.QuadPart - dllCallStart.QuadPart) / frequency);
    secondsElapsedNormal = ((normalStop.QuadPart - normalStart.QuadPart) / frequency);

    cout << "Dll: " << secondsElapsedDll << endl; //0.572682
    cout << "Normal: " << secondsElapsedNormal << endl; //2.75258

    return 0;

I only test the function call speed, getting the address can be done at start-up. So the performance lost of that doesn't mater.

like image 312
Laurence Avatar asked Jan 11 '13 08:01


1 Answers

For a very small function, the difference is in the way that a function returns/cleans up arguments.

However, that shouldn't make that much of a difference. I think the compiler realizes that your function doesn't do anything with resultCalcuation and optimizes it away. Try using two different variables and print their value afterwards.

like image 175
Mats Petersson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Mats Petersson