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Django's call_command fails with missing required arguments

I want to call a Django management command from one of my tests. I'm using django.core.management.call_command for this. And it doesn't work.

I have a command with 4 required arguments. When I call it, it complains all arguments are missing even though I'm passing them:

call_command('my_command', url='12', project='abc', website='zbb', title='12345')

I get the base command error that --url, --project, --website and --title are missing.

I did not specify a different destination for these arguments.

I looked at the call_command source and pinpointed the problem to the following line in call_command:

if command.use_argparse:
    # Use the `dest` option name from the parser option
    opt_mapping = {sorted(s_opt.option_strings)[0].lstrip('-').replace('-', '_'): s_opt.dest
                   for s_opt in parser._actions if s_opt.option_strings}
    arg_options = {opt_mapping.get(key, key): value for key, value in options.items()}
    defaults = parser.parse_args(args=args)    ****** THIS *****
    defaults = dict(defaults._get_kwargs(), **arg_options)
    # Move positional args out of options to mimic legacy optparse
    args = defaults.pop('args', ())

args is the positional arguments passed to call_commands, which is empty. I'm only passing named arguments. parser.parse_args complains the required variables are missing.

This is in Django 1.8.3.

Here is my command's add_arguments function (I just removed the help strings for brevity):

def add_arguments(self, parser):
    parser.add_argument('--url', action='store', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--project', action='store', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--continue-processing', action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--website', action='store', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--title', action='store', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--duplicate', action='store_true',default=False)
like image 735
zmbq Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 05:10


1 Answers

Based on that piece of code which you posted, I've concluded in call_command argument is required

that the required named arguments have to be passed in through *args, not just the positionals.

**kwargs bypasses the parser. So it doesn't see anything you defined there. **kwargs may override the *args values, but *args still needs something for each required argument. If you don't want to do that, then turn off the required attribute.

like image 86
hpaulj Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10
