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Django/python How to get a list of id's from a list of Objects

If I have a list of objects acquired by some query (in this case Django models).

friends = Friend.objects.friends(user1)

How can I get the list of ids, so I can use it to search another model, like this:

items = Item.objects.get(pk__in=friends_ids).order_by('date')

I'm pretty sure the lambda expressions should be able to do it but I can't figure it out...

like image 316
Tim Avatar asked Dec 25 '14 14:12


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1 Answers

If the return value of the friends method is a QuerySet object, you can use QuerySet.values_list method:

friends_ids = friends.values_list('id', flat=True)

If it's not a QuerySet object, you can use list comprehension (This one can be used for both QuerySet and non-QuerySet one):

friends_ids = [friend.id for friend in friends]
like image 80
falsetru Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
