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Django "ValueError: Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model"


I am using the django-model-utils InheritanceManager. I have a super Notification(models.Model) class which I use to create many notification subclasses such as PostNotification(Notification), CommentNotification(Notification), etc., and when trying to run CommentNotification.objects.bulk_create(list_of_comment_notification_objects), i get the following traceback:

File "/home/me/.virtualenvs/project/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py", line 429, in bulk_create
    raise ValueError("Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model")
ValueError: Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model

and upon inspecting the query.py file, we get this causes the error:

for parent in self.model._meta.get_parent_list():
      if parent._meta.concrete_model is not self.model._meta.concrete_model:
           raise ValueError("Can't bulk create a multi-table inherited model")

Environment Django Model Utils version: 3.1.1 Django version: 1.11.7 Python version: 2.7.3


   [PostNotification(related_user=user, post=instance) for user in users]

throws the above exception

What I have tried and though was a success originally:

I though that simply running: BaseClass.objects.bulk_create(list_of_SubClass_objects) instead of SubClass.objects.bulk_create(list_of_SubClass_objects) would work and return a list of SubClass values, but subsequently running SubClass.objects.all() would return an empty result. The bulk_create() would only create a Notification base class object for each item in the list.

like image 413
flaviojohnson Avatar asked Nov 18 '22 15:11


1 Answers

Found a hacky solution. I hope it works in your case. The trick is create a model (which is not an inherited one) dynamically that has some meta (db_table) set. And use this dynamic model to create Child objects in bulk (in other words write into Child's DB table).

    class Parent(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=10)

    class Child(Parent):
        phone = models.CharField(max_length=12)
# just an example. Should be expanded to work properly.
field_type_mapping = {
    'OneToOneField': models.IntegerField,
    'CharField': models.CharField,

def create_model(Model, app_label='children', module='', options=None):
    Create specified model
    model_name = Model.__name__
    class Meta:
       managed = False
       db_table = Model._meta.db_table

    if app_label:
        # app_label must be set using the Meta inner class
        setattr(Meta, 'app_label', app_label)

    # Update Meta with any options that were provided
    if options is not None:
        for key, value in options.iteritems():
            setattr(Meta, key, value)

    # Set up a dictionary to simulate declarations within a class
    attrs = {'__module__': module, 'Meta': Meta}

    # Add in any fields that were provided
    fields = dict()
    for field in Model._meta.fields:
        if field.attname == 'id':
        if field.model.__name__ == model_name:
            field_class_name = type(field).__name__
            fields[field.attname] = field_type_mapping[field_class_name]()
    # Create the class, which automatically triggers ModelBase processing

    model = type(f'{model_name}Shadow', (models.Model,), attrs)

    return model

mod = create_model(Child)
parents = [Parent(name=i) for i in range(15)]
parents = Parent.objects.bulk_create(parents)
children = [mod(phone=parent.name, parent_ptr_id=parent.id) for parent in parents]
like image 197
sajid Avatar answered Jun 09 '23 06:06
