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django url patterns with 2 parameters



This is simple and obvious but I can't get it right:

I have the following view function declared in urls.py

 (r'^v1/(\d+)$', r'custom1.views.v1'),

originally I was passing a single parameter to the view function v1. I want to modify it to pass 2 parameters. How do I declare the entry in urls.py to take two parameters?

like image 790
afshin Avatar asked Jul 05 '11 19:07


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2 Answers

Supposing you want the URL to look like v1/17/18 and obtain the two parameters 17 and 18, you can just declare the pattern as:

(r'^v1/(\d+)/(\d+)$', r'custom1.views.v1'),

Make sure v1 accepts two arguments in addition to the request object:

def v1 ( request, a, b ):
    # for URL 'v1/17/18', a == '17' and b == '18'.

The first example in the documentation about the URL dispatcher contains several patterns, the last of which take 2 and 3 parameters.

like image 198
André Caron Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

André Caron

Somewhere along the line I got in the habit of naming them directly in the regex, although honestly I don't know if it makes a difference.

(r'^v1/(?P<variable_a>(\d+))/(?P<variable_b>(\d+))/$', r'custom1.views.v1')

def v1(request, variable_a, variable_b):

Also, it's very Django to end the url with a trailing slash - Django Design Philosophy, FYI

like image 25
j_syk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
