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django-tables2 add button per row

I'm rendering a queryset with django-tables 2 but since the table is rendered at once I can't manage the following: Firstly, I should mention that the number of rows of the table is different with each queryset so I don't know the exact number of them in advance. What I need, is to have one button per row that loads the retrieved object inside the fields of a form. I render the table with the default way:

{% load render_table from django_tables2 %}
{% render_table table %} 

When I try to iterate over the rows of the tables I get the error 'table is not iterable'.

So how can I add one button per row?

like image 659
marlen Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 07:08


2 Answers

You can create in your table a template column, this will render something, a button for example:

class MyTables(tables.Table):
  my_column = tables.TemplateColumn(verbose_name=_('My Column'),
                                    orderable=False) # orderable not sortable

In the template my_column the row is in the variable record:

{{ record.my_field }}
like image 138
Goin Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 02:11


Example: actions = TemplateColumn(template_code='<a href="{% url "review_detail" record.id %}" class="btn btn-success">View') this line of code adds a column to your table and adds the html content you want. To pass the id to your route, just call the "record" object

import django_tables2 as tables
from django_tables2 import TemplateColumn
from .models import Review, ReviewCategory, ReviewLog, ItemCategory

class ReviewTable(tables.Table):
    acciones = TemplateColumn(template_code='<a href="{% url "review_detail" record.id %}" class="btn btn-success">Ver</a>')
    class Meta:
        model = Review
        exclude = (
like image 1
Jimmy Ramos Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 02:11

Jimmy Ramos