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django-REST: Nested relationships vs PrimaryKeyRelatedField

Is it better to use nested relationships or PrimaryKeyRelated field if you have lots of data?

I have a model with deep relationships.
For simplicity I did not add the colums.




  1. User creates 1 Workoutplan with 2 Workouts and 3 WorkoutExercises.
  2. User creates 6 Sets for each WorkoutExercise/Exercise.
  3. User starts workout > new FinishedWorkout is created
  4. User does first exercise and enters the used weights > new FinishedWorkoutExercise with FinishedSet is created


I want to track the progression for each workoutplan > workout > exercise. So with time the user may have finished dozens of workouts therefore hundreds if sets are already in the database.

If I now use nested Relationships I may load a lot of data I don't need. But if I use PrimaryKeyRelatedFields I have to load all the data I need separately which means more effort in my frontend.

Which method is preferred in such a situation?

If I use PrimaryKeyRelatedFields how do I distinguish if e.g. Workouts in Workoutplan is an array with primary keys or an array with the loaded objects?

like image 955
JDurstberger Avatar asked Nov 14 '15 14:11


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1 Answers

If you use PrimaryKeyRelatedField, you'll have a big overload to request the the necessary data in frontend

In your case, I would create specific serializers with the fields you want (using Meta.fields attribute). So, you won't load unecessary data and the frontend won't need to request more data from backend.

I can write a sample code, if you need more details.

like image 65
Danilo Freitas Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Danilo Freitas