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Django Rest Framework override viewset list() method without loosing filter_backends functionality

I have a viewset and I override list() method, but filtering by field stop working. How can I call filtering options from my code:

This is my viewset:

 class SupplementViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
    queryset = models.Product.objects.filter()
    serializer_class = serializers.SuplementSerializer
    filter_backends = (DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter, OrderingFilter,)
    search_fields = ('hotel', 'name')
    filter_fields = ('id', 'hotel', 'name')

    def perform_create(self, instance):

    def list(self, request, pk=None):
        if pk == None:
            supplements = models.Product.objects.filter(product_type=models.Product.SUPPLEMENT)
            supplements =  models.Product.objects.get(product_type=models.Product.SUPPLEMENT, id=pk)

        page = self.paginate_queryset(supplements)
        if page is not None:
            serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True)
            return self.get_paginated_response(serializer.data)

        serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True)
        result_set = serializer.data

        return Response(result_set)

    def get_result_set(self, supplements):
        result_set = serializers.ProductSerializer(supplements, many=True).data

        return result_set

Thanks for the help.

like image 966
HuLu ViCa Avatar asked Jul 20 '18 01:07

HuLu ViCa

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2 Answers

def list(self, request, pk=None):
    if pk == None:
        supplements = models.Product.objects.filter(product_type=models.Product.SUPPLEMENT)
        supplements =  models.Product.objects.filter(product_type=models.Product.SUPPLEMENT, id=pk)

    supplements= self.filter_queryset(supplements)
    page = self.paginate_queryset(supplements)

self.filter_queryset(queryset) is what you need, but it must accept queryset.

like image 52
Ykh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09


It would be helpful to see the actual implementation of the list method:


You can directly use the self.filter_queryset method (which is inherited from GenericAPIView in viewsets.ModelViewSet). In very rare scenarios you will need to override the self.filter_queryset method.

like image 32
Akshay Anurag Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Akshay Anurag