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Django Postgresql dropping column defaults at migrate

i'm facing an issue with defaults values of tables.

for example i have this model:

class model1(models.Model):
        field1 = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='My Default Value 1',db_column='field1')
        field2 = models.CharField(max_length=10)

        class Meta:
            db_table = 'model1'

and the postgresql table is generated without the default:

mydb=# \d model1
                                Table "public.model1"
 Column |         Type          |                      Modifiers                      
 id     | integer               | not null default nextval('model1_id_seq'::regclass)
 field1 | character varying(50) | not null
 field2 | character varying(10) | not null
    "model1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

the output of migrate sqlmigrate is:

CREATE TABLE "model1" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "field1" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "field2" varchar(10) NOT NULL);

but if i modify the default value in the model and run a makemigrations/migrate and after that i look into sqlmigrations the output genereates a weird DROP DEFAULT after creating

ALTER TABLE "model1" ALTER COLUMN "field1" SET DEFAULT 'My Default Value 1 modified';

is there something I am missing or default values for columns are just not supported?

like image 827
Cristobal Vargas Avatar asked Feb 05 '23 01:02

Cristobal Vargas

1 Answers

I know it's a bit late, but I was having the same issue. After searching extensively, i found this

"Django uses database defaults to set values on existing rows in a table. It doesn't leave the default values in the database so dropping the default is correct behavior."


so it looks like this is simply how django has been designed. It bugged me, because when I then inserted data using MySQL, I was given warnings about having no default.

Sigh, I'm sure smarter people than me could come up with a good explanation as to why they've designed it like this.

like image 112
rbennell Avatar answered Feb 12 '23 06:02
