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django plural for templates

How do I get django to realize that the singular form of countries is country and not countrie

like image 983
ApPeL Avatar asked Nov 15 '10 14:11


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2 Answers

From the docs, if you have a template variable called num_countries, you could just write something like:

countr{{ num_countries|pluralize:"y,ies" }} 
like image 175
Spike Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10


I know this question is specifically asked for templates, but for anyone (just like me) stumbling upon this question while searching for the solution in 'Python-side' Django

from django.template.defaultfilters import pluralize  def pluralize_countries(countries):     return 'countr{}'.format(pluralize(countries, 'y,ies') 

The pluralize function looks at the first parameter to see if it's plural or not. Let's assume the first parameter is always an array of some kind. So:

if len(countries) > 1:     # PLURAL! else:     # SINGLE! 

Than, it looks at the second parameter to see what to do if the first parameter is single or plural. A rough sketch of the pluralize code looks like this:

def pluralize(arr, options):     split_options = options.split(',')     if len(arr) > 1:         return split_options[1]     else:         return split_options[0] 

I know the pluralization is slightly more complex. But in a nutshell, this is what it does.

like image 26
Nebulosar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
