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Django or web.py, which is better to build a large website with Python? [closed]

I'd like to use Python to build a website with more than 100,000 PV each day. Now what I concern is to choose which web framework. I know lots of people use Django, and some people use web.py. Django seems powerful, and I also like the simplicity of web.py. Which framework should I use? (Please introduce the performance and the maintenance complexity, thanks!) Can web.py build complicated applications? Are there other frameworks better than these two?

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flypen Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 16:03


People also ask

What is better than Django?

Flask is considered more “Pythonic” than Django is basically since Flask web application code is, in most cases, more unequivocal. Flask is the choice of most tenderfoots due to the need of barricades to getting a basic app up and running.

Is Django the best web framework?

All these points make Django the most loved web framework to use while developing a web application. These not only aid the developer to write scalable code fast easily but also integrate best design principles while handling most of the things internally.

Can FastAPI replace Django?

In conclusion, Django is perfect if you want to build robust full-stack web applications because it has several functionalities and works very well in production. On the other hand FastAPI is perfect if you're looking for high performance or scalable applications.

Should I start with Flask or Django?

Flask will make your life easier than Django if you're looking to create a simple web app with a few static pages. Many programmers find Flask to be easily scalable for smaller web applications. It comes with a built-in development server and fast debugger.

2 Answers

In case you haven't started yet, Give both frameworks a try. I started off with Django and moved to web.py.

Web.py is not that hard as one might think. In fact, I find it easier to work with than with Django!

Just my 2 cents.

EDIT: Also, this might help: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/rewritingreddit

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jpanganiban Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10


Django makes building complicated sites really simple. Before Django, I was messing around with PHP, and I was doing a really terrible job putting it together. Django leads you in the right direction with some good practices which makes your site really easy to maintain and update. I really like the ORM and how you can easily work with data from the database without having to write a single line of SQL. It makes development less of a slog.

I don't have any experience with web.py, and I can't compare the performance of the two. But you can't go wrong with Django at least.

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jonescb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10
