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Django: ManyToMany filter matching on ALL items in a list


I have such a Book model:

class Book(models.Model):     authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, ...)     ... 

In short:

I'd like to retrieve the books whose authors are strictly equal to a given set of authors. I'm not sure if there is a single query that does it, but any suggestions will be helpful.

In long:

Here is what I tried, (that failed to run getting an AttributeError)

# A sample set of authors target_authors = set((author_1, author_2))  # To reduce the search space,  # first retrieve those books with just 2 authors. candidate_books = Book.objects.annotate(c=Count('authors')).filter(c=len(target_authors))  final_books = QuerySet() for author in target_authors:     temp_books = candidate_books.filter(authors__in=[author])     final_books = final_books and temp_books 

... and here is what I got:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_meta' 

In general, how should I query a model with the constraint that its ManyToMany field contains a set of given objects as in my case?

ps: I found some relevant SO questions but couldn't get a clear answer. Any good pointer will be helpful as well. Thanks.

like image 559
iuysal Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 13:11


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all() Returns a copy of the current QuerySet (or QuerySet subclass). This can be useful in situations where you might want to pass in either a model manager or a QuerySet and do further filtering on the result.

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This exception is also an attribute of the model class. Returns a new QuerySet containing objects that match the given lookup parameters. Basically use get() when you want to get a single unique object, and filter() when you want to get all objects that match your lookup parameters. Show activity on this post.

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The filter() method is used to filter you search, and allows you to return only the rows that matches the search term.

1 Answers

Similar to @goliney's approach, I found a solution. However, I think the efficiency could be improved.

# A sample set of authors target_authors = set((author_1, author_2))  # To reduce the search space, first retrieve those books with just 2 authors. candidate_books = Book.objects.annotate(c=Count('authors')).filter(c=len(target_authors))  # In each iteration, we filter out those books which don't contain one of the  # required authors - the instance on the iteration. for author in target_authors:     candidate_books = candidate_books.filter(authors=author)  final_books = candidate_books 
like image 84
iuysal Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
