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Django: how to change the choices of AdminTimeWidget

The AdminTimeWidget rendered in admin for a DateTimeField displays an icon of a clock and when you click you have the choice between: "Now Midnight 6:00 Noon".

How can I change these choices to "16h 17h 18h"?

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Mermoz Avatar asked Apr 24 '11 14:04


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attrs . A dictionary containing HTML attributes to be set on the rendered DateInput and TimeInput widgets, respectively. If these attributes aren't set, Widget. attrs is used instead.

2 Answers

Chris has a great answer. As an alternative you could do this using just javascript. Place the following javascript on the pages where you want the different time options.

DateTimeShortcuts.overrideTimeOptions = function () {
    // Find the first time element
    timeElement = django.jQuery("ul.timelist li").eq(0).clone();
    originalHref = timeElement.find('a').attr('href');

    // remove all existing time elements
    django.jQuery("ul.timelist li").remove();

    // add new time elements representing those you want
    var i=0;
    for (i=0;i<=23;i++) {
        // use a regular expression to update the link
        newHref = originalHref.replace(/Date\([^\)]*\)/g, "Date(1970,1,1," + i + ",0,0,0)");
        // update the text for the element
        timeElement.find('a').attr('href', newHref).text(i+"h");
        // Add the new element into the document

addEvent(window, 'load', DateTimeShortcuts.overrideTimeOptions);
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Brian Fisher Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

Brian Fisher

I went with a much simpler approach and it worked for me. I simply added choices to my model using the following code:

class Class(Model): program = ForeignKey('Program') time_of_the_day = TimeField(choices=( (datetime.datetime.strptime('7:00 am', "%I:%M %p").time(), '7:00 am'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('8:00 am', "%I:%M %p").time(), '8:00 am'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('9:00 am', "%I:%M %p").time(), '9:00 am'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('6:00 pm', "%I:%M %p").time(), '6:00 pm'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('7:00 pm', "%I:%M %p").time(), '7:00 pm'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('8:00 pm', "%I:%M %p").time(), '8:00 pm'), (datetime.datetime.strptime('9:00 pm', "%I:%M %p").time(), '9:00 pm'),

Hope this helps

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Bit68 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
