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Django: How do I redirect a post and pass on the post data



When processing a POST request in the Django views.py file, I sometimes need to redirect it to another url. This url I'm redirecting to is handled by another function in the same Django views.py file. Is there a way of doing this and maintaining the original POST data?

UPDATE: More explanation of why I want to do this. I have two web apps (let's call them AppA and AppB) which accept data entered into a text field by the user. When the the user clicks submit, the data is processed and detailed results are displayed. AppA and AppB expect different types of data. Sometimes a user mistakenly posts AppB type data to AppA. When this happens I want to redirect them to AppB and show the AppB results or at least have it populated with the data they entered into AppA.


  • The client wants two separate apps rather than combining them into just one.

  • I can't show the code as it belongs to a client.

UPDATE 2: I've decided that KISS is the best principle here. I have combined the two apps into one which makes things simpler and more robust; I should be able to convince the client it's the best way to go too. Thanks for all the great feedback. If I was going to maintain two apps as described then I think sessions would be the way to do this - thanks to Matthew J Morrison for suggesting that. Thanks to Dzida as his comments got me thinking about the design and simplification.

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FunLovinCoder Avatar asked Jun 11 '10 15:06


People also ask

Can we send data with redirect in Django?

You can now perform a redirect with Django, either by using the redirect response classes HttpResponseRedirect and HttpResponsePermanentRedirect , or with the convenience function django.

Can I pass context in redirect Django?

In django You can not pass parameters with redirect. Your only bet is to pass them as a part of URL.

How do you pass arguments in Django redirect?

shortcuts and for redirection to the Django official website we just pass the full URL to the 'redirect' method as string, and for the second example (the viewArticle view) the 'redirect' method takes the view name and his parameters as arguments.

2 Answers

If you faced such problem there's a slight chance that you might need to revise your designs.

This is a restriction of HTTP that POST data cannot go with redirects.

Can you describe what are you trying to accomplish and maybe then we can think about some neat solution.

If you do not want use sessions as Matthew suggested you can pass POST params in GET to the new page (consider some limitations such as security and max length of GET params in query string).

UPDATE to your update:) It sounds strange to me that you have 2 web apps and those apps use one views.py (am I right?). Anyway consider passing your data from POST in GET to the proper view (in case data is not sensitive of course).

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dzida Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09


I think how I would probably handle this situation would be to save the post data in session, then remove it when I no longer need it. That way I can access the original post data after a redirect even though that post is gone.

Will that work for what you're trying to do?

Here is a code sample of what I'm suggesting: (keep in mind this is untested code)

def some_view(request):     #do some stuff     request.session['_old_post'] = request.POST     return HttpResponseRedirect('next_view')  def next_view(request):     old_post = request.session.get('_old_post')     #do some stuff using old_post 

One other thing to keep in mind... if you're doing this and also uploading files, i would not do it this way.

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Matthew J Morrison Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Matthew J Morrison