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Django - Full text search - Wildcard

Is it possible to use wildcards in Django Full text search ?


        post = request.POST.get('search')
        query = SearchQuery(post)
        vector = SearchVector('headline', weight='A') + SearchVector('content', weight='B')
        rank = SearchRank(vector, query, weights=[0.1,0.2])
        data = wiki_entry.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank(vector,query)).filter(rank__gte=0.1).order_by('-rank')

At the moment it only matches on full words.

Characters like * % | & have no effect.

Or do i have to go back to icontains ?


Any help is appreciated

like image 663
fuser60596 Avatar asked Jul 14 '17 19:07


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1 Answers

I extend the django SearchQuery class and override plainto_tsquery with to_tsquery. Did some simple tests, it works. I will get back here if I find cases where this causes problems.

from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchQuery

class MySearchQuery(SearchQuery):
    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        params = [self.value]
        if self.config:
            config_sql, config_params = compiler.compile(self.config)
            template = 'to_tsquery({}::regconfig, %s)'.format(config_sql)
            params = config_params + [self.value]
            template = 'to_tsquery(%s)'
        if self.invert:
            template = '!!({})'.format(template)
        return template, params

Now I can do something like query = MySearchQuery('whatever:*')

like image 93
user1383029 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11
