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Django ForeignKey with null=True, inner join, and left outer join

Let's say I have two Django models Person and Company as follows: -

class Company(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

class Person(models.Model):
    last_name = models.CharField(blank=True)
    first_name = models.CharField()
    company = models.ForeignKey(Company, null=True, blank=True)

A Person may or may not belong to a Company.

I am using MySQL. I want all Persons that do not belong to any Company, that is, Persons where company is null.

If I do Person.objects.filter(company__isnull=True) I get an SQL which is essentially: -

SELECT * FROM PersonTable LEFT OUTER JOIN AgencyTable ON (PersonTable.company_id = AgencyTable.id) WHERE AgencyTable.id IS NULL

How do I go about achieving the following SQL: -

SELECT * FROM PersonTable INNER JOIN AgencyTable ON (PersonTable.company_id = AgencyTable.id) WHERE AgencyTable.id IS NULL

From what I gather from reading up the Django Users mailing list, this used to be the behavior before QuerySet Refactor.

EDIT -- Now I see the blasphemy of my question!

What I want to say is I simply want to do

SELECT * FROM PersonTable WHERE PersonTable.company_id IS NULL

like image 875
chefsmart Avatar asked Feb 17 '10 05:02


People also ask

What's the difference between left join and inner join?

(INNER) JOIN : Returns records that have matching values in both tables. LEFT (OUTER) JOIN : Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table.

What's the difference between left join and left outer join?

There really is no difference between a LEFT JOIN and a LEFT OUTER JOIN. Both versions of the syntax will produce the exact same result in PL/SQL. Some people do recommend including outer in a LEFT JOIN clause so it's clear that you're creating an outer join, but that's entirely optional.

Is join and inner join the same?

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOINJOIN returns all rows from tables where the key record of one table is equal to the key records of another table. The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both participating tables as long as there is a match between the columns.

What is left outer join?

A left outer join is a method of combining tables. The result includes unmatched rows from only the table that is specified before the LEFT OUTER JOIN clause. If you are joining two tables and want the result set to include unmatched rows from only one table, use a LEFT OUTER JOIN clause or a RIGHT OUTER JOIN clause.

2 Answers

Well, this question is old, and soon the patch will be in Django. But for the brief meantime, the answer is in http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10790:

Workaround: Instead of




like image 182
Jameson Quinn Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10

Jameson Quinn

It should be as simple as:


Note the use of company_id which is the default integer field created by the ForeignKey


Sorry, I haven't actively used django since 0.9.5. Either I'm thinking of pre-1.0 behavior, or I'm muddling up sqlalchemy and Django ORM. In either case, as the comments stated, the above appears to not work.

It looks like the only way to get the query you want in current django is to use the .extra query parameter, which comes with a whole list of caveats.

Person.objects.extra(where=['company_id IS NULL'])

Note that this may not be portable to all DB's, and it may not work combined with filter(), and any number of possible issues. I would recommend not using this throughout your code, and instead moving it to a classmethod on Person like:

 def list_unaffiliated_people(cls):
    return cls.objects.extra(where=['company_id IS NULL'])

Alternately, just use the proper ORM query syntax and suck up the possible performance hit (have you actually benchmarked the more complicated query to see that it's any slower?)

like image 44
Crast Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10
