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Django fixtures and OneToOneField




As stated here objects are created automatically for models with OneToOne relationship to other models. So if I have Model1 with O2O to Model2, and will create object of Model2 with pk=1, then object of Model1 with model2_id=1 will be created autmatically. Then, if Ill dump data from DB to json, I will have two records for these objects. And if I will try to load this data to DB with loaddata - it will fail, because object for Model2 will be created twice and it will cause unique index violation and IntegrityError.
Does anybody found sane solution for this?

I use Django 1.3.7

like image 851
Gill Bates Avatar asked Aug 29 '13 22:08

Gill Bates

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2 Answers

I did something similar, notwith JSON but with xml, and my django is 1.7, so maybe it does not work for you.

  1. You can use natural keys when you are referencing serialized objects. This will prevent mixing up items if the index is already used by an other objject.
  2. You can use dependencies to define the order of serialization (and therefore deserialization).

Maybe similar posts like this one are helpful as well.

like image 86
OBu Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10


When you dump your data fixtures, make sure you use the --natural argument:

python manage.py dumpdata myapp --indent=4 --natural


It looks its being deprecated in 1.7 for --natural-foreign

like image 36
Adam Spence Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 02:10

Adam Spence