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Django Error: Your URL pattern is invalid. Ensure that urlpatterns is a list of url() instances

After upgrading to Django 1.10, I get the following error when I run python manage.py runserver:

?: (urls.E004) Your URL pattern ('^$', 'myapp.views.home') is invalid. Ensure that urlpatterns is a list of url() instances.
HINT: Try using url() instead of a tuple.

My urlpatterns are as follows:

from myapp.views import home

urlpatterns = [
    (r'^$', home, name='home'),
like image 644
Alasdair Avatar asked Aug 05 '16 09:08


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To create a route in Django, we will use the path() function that accepts two parameters: a URL and a View function. All the routes are created inside the urlpatterns list. Simply add a new path as below and a new route will be created.

1 Answers

To simplify URL configs, patterns() was deprecated in Django 1.8, and removed in 1.10 (release notes). In Django 1.10, urlpatterns must be a list of url() instances. Using a tuple in patterns() is not supported any more, and the Django checks framework will raise an error.

Fixing this is easy, just convert any tuples

urlpatterns = [
    (r'^$', home, name='home'),  # tuple

to url() instances:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', home, name='home'),  # url instance

If you get the following NameError,

NameError: name 'url' is not defined

then add the following import to your urls.py:

from django.conf.urls import url

If you use strings in your url patterns, e.g. 'myapp.views.home', you'll have to update these to use a callable at the same time. See this answer for more info.

See the Django URL dispatcher docs for more information about urlpatterns.

like image 105
Alasdair Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
