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Django equivalent for latest entry for each user



I'm surprised this question hasn't come up. Couldn't find much on the web.

Using Entry.objects.latest('created_at') I can recover the latest entry for all Entry objects, but say if I want the latest entry for each user? This is something similar to an SQL latest record query. But how do I achieve this using the ORM? Here is my approach I'm wondering if it is the most efficient way to do what I want.

First I perform a sub query: Objects are grouped by user and the Max (latest) created_by field is returned for each user (created_at__max) I then filter Entry objects based on the results in the subquery and get the required objects.


or using a manager:

class UsersLatest(models.Manager):  

    def get_query_set(self):
        return super(UsersLatest,self).get_query_set().filter(created_at__in=self.model.objects.values('user').annotate(Max('created_at')).values_list('created_at__max'))

Is there a more efficient way? possibly without sub query?



like image 821
Paul Avatar asked Apr 05 '10 10:04


3 Answers

Using order_by and distinct:

Entry.objects.all().order_by('user', 'created_at').distinct('user')

Then for performance adding index together on 'user' and 'created_at' fields.

But i think real production way is to use Redis to cache and update an id's list of latest entries of users.

like image 195
Omid Raha Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Omid Raha

The design of your QuerySet depends on what you plan to use it for. I'm not sure why you're breaking out of the QuerySet iterator with the values_list method at the end. I imagine you have a status list of users where you show the last activity time based on that Entries model. For that you may want to try this:


And then loop through your users easily in your template with

{% for user in users %}
{{ user.full_name }}
{{ user.latest_activity|date: "m/d/Y" }}
{% endfor %}
like image 26
Jose Boveda Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10

Jose Boveda

The raw SQL would be

SELECT entry.id, entry.title, entry.content, entry.user_id, entry.created_at
    entry.created_at = ( SELECT Max(e2.created_at) from entry as e2 where e2.user_id = entry.user_id )

So one option is using the where argument of the extra() modifier:

Entry.objects.extra(where='entry.created_at = ( SELECT Max(e2.created_at) from entry as e2 where e2.user_id = entry.user_id )')

Of course, you'd probably have to change entry to whatever the actual name of the table is in the database. Assuming you're comfortable looking at ._meta, you can try this:

Entry.objects.extra( where=
    '%(table)s.created_at = ( SELECT Max(e2.created_at) from %(table)s as e2 where e2.user_id = %(table)s.user_id )' % { 'table':Entry._meta.db_table }

There's probably a more elegant way to get the name of a table.

like image 1
Jordan Reiter Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10

Jordan Reiter