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Django: efficient template/string separation and override

I have a generic Django view that renders a template. The template is in an app which other projects will use. Importing projects will typically subclass the View the app provides. The View has a default template, which does a job with generic wording.

99% of the time, subclassing Views will want to only change the text, so rather than make them duplicate the template for the sake of altering non-markup wording, i'm looking for a way to allow users of the class to replace wording in the template in the most efficient way.

Options explored so far:

  • template partials containing only the text which using apps can override (magic, a lot of user work)
  • A template_strings method on the view which provides a dict of strings which end up in the template context which subclasses can override
  • Using (abusing?) the translation system such that the app provides default english translations and using code can provide their own translations instead (not actually worked this one out yet, just an idea)
  • Doing the above template_strings through AppConfig, but this seems ... yucky like it may get very unweildy with a lot of English strings. If doing this I would create a context-like setup so you don't have to re-declare all strings

Seems like it should be a solved problem to subclass a view which does a complete job and just provide alternate strings for text. Is there a better method than the above? Convention? Something I am missing?

(django 1.11 Python 3.6.2)

like image 568
Aiden Bell Avatar asked Aug 12 '17 18:08

Aiden Bell

1 Answers

You can either inherit TemplateView or add ContextMixin to your view, and then override the get_context_data function like this:

from django.views.generic import TemplateView

class BaseView(TemplateView):
    template_name = "common.html"

class SubView(BaseView):
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(SubView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['content'] = "Some sub view text"
        return context

Update: Use template overriding

If you want to separate the text out, this is the better way to go To allow easily and DRY override template across apps, you might need to install this package (Some other detail here)

We define it similarly as above, but change the template_name instead:

from django.views.generic import TemplateView

    class BaseView(TemplateView):
        template_name = "main.html"

    # on another app
    class SubView(BaseView):
        template_name = "sub_view.html"

Then the magic is you can extends and override block of the BaseView template like this:


<p>I'm Common Text</p>
{% block main %}
  <p>I'm Base View</p>
{% endblock %}


{% extends "base_app:main.html" %}
{% block main %}
  <p>I'm Sub View</p>
{% endblock %}

The result would be:

<p>I'm Common Text</p>
<p>I'm Sub View</p>
like image 85
Nathan Do Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Nathan Do