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django-celery without an amqp server (rabbitmq)

I am using celery for distributed task processing. I wanted to deploy my work on a web-host, just to show the working of my project. So how can i get djcelery to use a database (sqlalchemy) as backend with django instead of rabbitmq or other amqp servers.

like image 955
crodjer Avatar asked Sep 30 '10 04:09


1 Answers

Here is the Celery docs on "Using Celery with Redis/Database as the messaging queue".

Essentially you need to install ghettoq, add it to your installed apps, add a setting CARROT_BACKEND = "ghettoq.taproot.Database" and run syncdb. Then magic happens.

like image 113
Mark Lavin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Mark Lavin